To stimulate and promote alternative/non-formal education by organizing courses, seminars, conferences, symposia, trainings and other types of national and/or international events, projects and programs related to the aims of the Association, including public/private partnerships;
Research in education, socio-human sciences and natural sciences;
Supporting, modernizing, streamlining and increasing the quality of the education process, as well as the continuous improvement of education (in particular in the areas of environmental protection, education, culture and sustainable development);
Involvement in the management of protected areas, environmental protection actions, the creation, planning and protection of green spaces in localities and proposals for the extension of protected natural areas;
Informing and raising awareness of environmental issues. The supporting of actions to monitor the degree of pollution of water, air and soil and to propose concrete solutions to reduce it;
Actions for making green areas greener and educating all categories of Romanian citizens to preserve unaltered green areas;
Protection and restoration of biodiversity at local, regional, national and international level. Educating and raising awareness/informing the public about the importance of biodiversity;
Activities for the promotion and development of domestic tourism and activities with a tourism and eco-tourism focus, with a specific view to the development of local tourism, in parallel with the involvement, through specific activities, of the local community in the development of eco-tourism destinations;
Promoting sustainable living, i.e. promoting sustainable industry/production/economy by protecting and preserving resources and respecting the rights of future generations;
Informing and raising awareness on health issues;
Elaboration of own projects and technical, economic, legal, managerial consultancy offered to local public authorities and economic agents in the fields of tourism-culture-education-environmental protection in the elaboration of projects financed by non-reimbursable public funds;
Information, promotion and advocacy activities;
Designing, producing and editing materials in various fields, in printed and electronic form, in the form of books, courses, periodicals, leaflets, posters, brochures, software, films, video and audio programs;
Production, promotion and marketing of handicraft and craft products;
Web design, online-offline marketing, social media promotion, market research for own purposes or for third parties.
Supporting youth to reach their full potential and contribute through education to their progress and that of their society
Promoting sustainable development at local, regional, national and international level (tourism, environmental protection, entrepreneurship, industry)
To make known cultural and ethnic values, art, music, traditions and actions to preserve cultural and spiritual communities